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Ariake Kuro
Ariake Kuro

Uses                    : Pond bottom treatment

Ingredients         : Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain D2018 , Bacillus subtilis strain D2558

Characteristics    : Charcoal tablets

Packaged             : 500 g/bottle

Origin                   : Made by Japan

Để được hỗ trợ nhanh nhất. Hãy gọi 0901.009.009
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Product introduction

Features :
  • Charcoal tablets with two bacteria Bacillus amyloliquefaciens D2018 and Bacillus subtilis D2558 isolated from marine enviroment.
  • ARIAKE KURO has the following activity in aerob and anaerobe conditions. - to break down various of organic matter. - to reduce Nitrite (NO2) and Nitrate (NO3).
  • Active ingredients are made in Japan.
This strain was isolated from the intestine of wild Kuruma shrimp. D2018 is a facultative anaerobic bacterium.
Dose (5,000 m2)
Stages / Conditions Dose
Preparation Spread 1 kg evenly (mud area) while drying stage
Maintenance DOC ≥ 40, 250 gram after siphon or mud accumulate (dead zone and central drain)
in the bottom pond every 3 days
NH4, NO2, and NO3 treatment 500 grams every 2 days
Heavy pollution Spread 1-5 tablets / m2 (mud area)
Mode of Action
  • Reduction of Nitrite (NO2) and Nitrate acid (NO3)
  • Degradation of various organic matters
Experiment Data
(1) Reduction Nitrogen
0.1 gram of ARIAKE KURO was incubated under aerobic or anaerobic condition, at 27℃ in 10 ml test liquid media added ammonia, nitrous acid or nitric acid. Quantitative of nitrogen compounds were measured after 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 14, 21 days by HPLC analysis.
(2) Degradation of Organic Matters
Degradation test against organic matters was determined by the agar plate assay for proteolytic activity on skim milk, amylolytic activity on starch. Two strains in ARIAKE KURO were inoculated on each organic matter plates. The clear zone were formed around the areas where the strain had degrade the target-organic matter.


Safety Precautions
  •  Store in a cool, dry place, avoid direct sunlight.
  •  Please use in quality assurance period (2 years after month of manufacture).
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